
"I'm like a green an' white kickball, I bounce"

Don't want to be no johnson county mother fucker - regardless. Don't want to be no mother fucker. period. Almost got runover again yesterday on my bike. How is it that someone can drive past you and I am assuming see you - I mean I wear some pretty bright ugly ass colors, and then hang a right in front of you and almost clip your front wheel. I was pushing a good 22 mph. That would have been one hell of a ride.

So I scream at this lady, "BITCH" and flip her off - cause that always accomplishes something. She flips me off. - Awesome - She almost sent me to the hospital or ended my life and she flips me off. I am going to start carrying rocks in my jersey pockets. Forget yelling and signaling - I'll just throw a rock through her back window and maybe then she will not cut a cyclist off next time. Hell - maybe I will just carry a gun.

Well, the moral of the story is how niggas rose to glory. Bang Bang. I don't bounce. Sticks and stones will break bones but glocks will kill you. So keep your eyes open and your wallet in your front pocket - oh yeah - and YIELD TO CYCLISTS - they are keeping the air cleaner - keeping a car off the road - and you are driving a 2 to 4 ton killing machine. I got hit by a car once. I don't bounce.


Blogger KMOB said...

alright, it's been five days since you've updated. i know you are ggood at this stuff. get to it!

11:25 AM  

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